10 steps self care routine that is easy to follow

Komal Panchal
5 min readJul 4, 2021


A self-care routine is a form of self love. In today's busy and fast life, we forgot about the most important thing that everyone should follow and that is a self-care routine. You don't have to do much to care for yourself, you just have to include a self-care routine in your life, and you are sorted.

Here, the question is how to make a self-care routine?

The answer is simple and easy to follow.

Today I will share a 10 steps self-care routine that is easy to follow.

1. Have a good night sleep

When you have a goodnight sleep you will have a good morning and a good day for sure.

Get 7-8 hours of sleep so that your body and organs of body can function better.

Remember you can watch that Netflix episode tomorrow also, so try to sleep at the same time every night. Sleeping at the same time automatically makes you sleepy at a fixed time.

2. One glass of water in the morning

When you wake up after 7-8 hours of sleep, your body needs fuel to start the day because your body was to repair at night.

Even slight dehydration can affect your memory power, your concentration power, and your mood.

So, drinking a glass of water in the morning rehydrates your body and that helps you in the metabolism process also. As drinking water cleans all the toxins in your body, your skin will be fresh and glowing.

For better results, you can drink warm water in the morning and for weight loss, you can drink warm water with a few drops of lemon juice.

3. Physical activity and meditation

The best part of doing any physical activity is that you can feel some immediate results after activities. If you do some physical activities in the morning you feel more energetic and happy throughout the day.

Exercises reduce the risks of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Physical activities include walking, running, cycling, household chores, playing outdoor games, skipping the rope, dancing, etc.

Meditating just for 10-15 minutes can light up your mood.

Meditation decreases the feeling of anxiety and sadness.

Sit in a quiet place for some time with closed eyes. You will get thousands of thoughts at that time but try to focus on your breath and relax. You can listen to some music also and you will feel much better after the first session of meditation.

4. Little dance party while getting ready

A good morning dance is a great way to gather some positivity for the day.

Wear your earphones, start your favorite songs, and just dance, dance like nobody's watching, and enjoy that moment.

It doesn't matter what steps you are doing, try to dance for at least 5 minutes and you will be joyful. If you try this for 2-3 days you will be looking forward to your morning dance.

5. Put the phone away

Most of us have a habit of checking social media apps and checking messages and emails just after opening our eyes in the morning, and closing our eyes at night.

That can affect your thinking process very quickly. We consume so much information from our phones, some are good and some are bad and when you check your phone just after waking up, the information you will get will subconsciously affect your mood and your day.

In the same way, when you check your phone just before sleeping you will overthink the information, news, or message and that will affect your sleep.

So, stay away from your phone after 1 hour of waking up and 1 hour before sleeping.

6. Make a to-do list

When you make a to-do list for a day, week, and month you can organize the task better.

Write a goal or a task and write a time to do that also. And when you complete the task tick that. Ticking the done task gives you the motivation to complete another task and that keeps you going. Making a to-do list helps you to prioritize your work.

7. Try to enjoy everything you do

You must have noticed that when you are doing something that you like to do, time flies very fast but when you do something stressful for you, you feel 5 minutes as 1 hour.

So, if you enjoy doing anything you will finish the task quickly and easily. When you are enjoying something you will be focused on that so the distractions will be less.

Give yourself a reason for that, think about why you are doing this and what you will get from this. Accept that no matter what you have to finish the work, it's better to do that with some fun.

8. Do things that make you happy

Sometimes it's good to be selfish. Take out some time to do things that make you happy. It can be anything; you can go shopping, a spa session, gaming time, traveling, eating outside, watching movies, pampering sessions, watching comedy videos, etc.

9. Spend time with your favorite person

Spending time with your favorite person is very important for your inner peace. When you are with your favorite people you don't have to pretend anything, you can be yourself and enjoy the moment without worrying about the past and future.

If you can't meet every day, you can at least call them to talk. You can plan a weekend meet or any activities that you can do together. You will feel happier and lighter.

10. Maintain a journal

Maintaining a journal is a life-changing experience. You might not believe that for now, but once you start writing every day you will find the importance of writing a journal.

You just have to get a diary and a pen and start writing, you can write about how you are feeling, how was your day, what is happening, what you are thinking about, anything and everything that you want to write.

By writing, your emotions and feelings will be out and that will relieve your stress. When you want to share something, you can write about that in the journal. Try it just for 1 week and see how calm you will be. Maintaining a good journal is equal to good mental health.

I hope you all follow this self-care routine and take care of yourself.
If it's difficult to follow the whole thing at one go, try to include one step everyday. Follow this self-care routine for 21 days and tell me the changes that you are feeling. Start taking care of yourself from today.

