10 things to know before you start running as a beginner

Komal Panchal
6 min readSep 29, 2021


What if you find an activity which is good for your physical and mental health, an activity which is fun to do too! Then that is something you should try to add to your lifestyle. I am talking about running. Yes, running is beneficial as well as fun to do also.

To assure you about starting running, here are

10 things to know before you start running as a beginner.

For starting anything new first, you need to know the benefits.

1. Benefits of running

Want to lose weight? Want to be happy? Want to be healthy? just go for a run. Running is an activity which has a benefit for your whole body.

• Build strong bones

We all know that bones are strong enough but as age increases and because of our sedentary lifestyle bones start getting weak.

Not to worry if bones can get weaker they can get stronger also because bones are living things. For the growth of bones, bones need some type of force; force like ruining.

• Strengthen muscles

In running, muscles of your lower body have to work more for moving forward. As much as your muscles work they build more strength.

• Improve cardiovascular health

Regular running pumps more oxygen in the body that minimizes your heart workload in some ways.

• Losing weight

If you want to lose weight then you should start running daily for 30 minutes at least. Running uses more of the muscles of the body and that burns more calories.

• Other benefits of running regularly;

Better sleep, Improve immunity,
Improve your mood and maintain good mental health, you can have your me-time,
Improve your body posture, nature view,
you can meet new people like you while running.

2. What you will need

You don't need much to start running.

• Motivation to start

The first thing you will need is motivation, the motivation that will keep you consistent every day. For best results, consistency is very necessary.

• Right pair of shoes

If it is possible, buy new right fitted shoes for running to avoid any kind of injuries. Before you choose the pair of shoes, walk around the store ( with socks) and decide which pair is comfortable, flexible, and the right one for you.

• Right pair of socks

Many focus on just shoes and ignore the importance of the right pair of socks. Socks for running shoes should be breathable and not suffocating and sweaty. Buy sweat-absorbing socks which will prevent infarction in feet from sweat.

• Playlist of favorites

As I said earlier, running is beneficial but it should not be a punishment for you.

To make running enjoyable, make a playlist of your favorite songs, podcasts, and audiobooks.

• Water bottle for hydration

Never forget to take your water bottle for running. Staying hydrated is very necessary, especially for beginner runners. Drink water when you are thirsty, don't consume more liquid otherwise you have to find a washroom first. When you go for long runs you can try sports drinks also

• Clothing choices

Wear loose, comfortable, and cotton clothes.

• Count of your calorie burn

Smartwatches or smartphone applications to keep a count on kilometers of your running and for the calories, you burn.

• Warmup and stretching

Warm-up and stretching before running works as an alarm for your body system. Warm-up increases your body temperature and blood flow that kind of prepares your body for physical activity.

Stretching improves flexibility that gives muscles a full range of motion to perform better. Without stretching, muscles get tight and that can lead to injuries.

For the benefits, you have to give equal amount of importance to start and end.
That's why cooling down is also necessary.
Cooling down exercises are to regulate your breathing pattern and heartbeat.

3. Don’t start by running

Yes, don't start running by running. In the beginning, you need to prepare your body for running, so you should start by walking. Start increasing the speed of walking and gradually go for a mini running session.

You will run on the first day because of motivation but that will cause your body problems. Go slow but steady.

4. Results will take time

You will not be good at it in one week or you will not feel much difference in the first few days.

That doesn't mean you will quit. Go for running regularly, use correct techniques and stay consistent you will see results.

5. Be careful

•If you are overweight or if you have any kind of medical problems, consult your doctor before starting running.

•Try to run on a grass surface or a flat surface to avoid the injury.
Don’t run near the roads.

•Avoid running during the hot summer day.

•Take a mobile phone with you.
If you are using earphones try to use it in only one ear and be careful of the sounds of the surrounding.

•Tell someone the place of your running just to be on the safer side.

•Choose the place for running carefully, don’t go into isolated areas. Go to running parks.

•If you feel any jerk or injury, stop that time immediately.

6. Take breaks

In the beginning, don't go running every day because it can cause you injuries.

7. Find a running buddy

Find someone who wants to start running and get started together. When you do some activity with someone or in a group, your mind will not be able to make excuses. Both buddies can motivate each other on low days.

You can also take your pet for a run.

8. Run in varieties

Run in varieties, what does that mean!

Make a schedule for your running sessions.

If you are planning to go running 5 days a week then do small sessions 2 days, long sessions 1-2 days when you have more time.

One day focus on your speed and other days focus on technical parts.

Plan your running according to your other physical activities and don't exhaust your body too much.

Listen to your body, take proper rest.

9. Don’t ignore minor injuries

Keep an eye on what's happening to your body while running. if you get any injury go to the doctor.

Some common injuries in running;

•Pain in the heel

•Swelling and constant pain in heel near the heel

•Pain in your lower leg below the knee

•Knee pain

10. What and when to eat

What to eat before running;

•Cheese or butter on whole wheat •bread
•Avocado toast

You should eat something 2 hours before running.

You can get a better meal plan for your correct food intake from a nutritionist.

Whatever day you are reading this, go for walks, jogging, and running from today.

These activities don't need much to start, so you can't make excuses and delay it for tomorrow.

Walk, jog, run, participate in marathons, stay healthy and happy.

